Freelance Design in Gibraltar

Freelance Design in Gibraltar

Freelance design on the Costa del Sol has advantages and disadvantages. With Spain struggling economically as a result of the Euro crisis there is less work around.  For example, my nearest city La Linea has been hit particularly hard with unemployment rates around 40%.

Its direct neighbour however is a very different story.

Gibraltar, the prosperous overseas British territory is booming with thousands of workers crossing the border every day. The gaming industry continues to grow and the established finance market is sitting strong. This means more freelance design in Gibraltar for me as small businesses prosper and larger companies continue to grow.

Other advantages are more obvious, the weather is great, I am 5 minutes from the beach and there is climbing everywhere. When not being a freelance designer you can find me at one of the local climbing spots. Find out more by visiting my climbing blog, Crank Club.

Would I still live in Spain working as a freelance designer if it were not for Gibraltar, that is a difficult question to answer?

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